A couple of years ago, I posted a list of my favorite affirmations for labor and birth. I thought it would be fun to turn the best of the best into memes for all of you! Feel free to copy, pin, or right-click and save for your personal use. (Just please don’t use them for commercial purposes.) They are for you to use as reminders leading up to your labor and encouragement during your labor. Put one on your desktop or your phone background, and look at it regularly. Say it out loud to yourself! Believe it! You are strong, and you can do this!!!!
Click on images for full-size.
To learn more comfort measures and pain relieving techniques for labor, check out this $25 mini childbirth course: Finding Comfort in Labor. Learn and practice relaxation, massage, counterpressure, essential oils, visualization, labor and pushing positions and more. FILL your “toolbox” with techniques that you and your support team can use during your labor to help you cope with confidence!