Laura Speece

Explaining spread of viruses to children (and ourselves)

My poor children. Discussion about the immune system is not a brand new, coronavirus-related topic for them. Since health is a HUGE passion of mine, they have to hear me talk about hand washing, virology, and immune-boosting year round!!! So, when talk of this new strain of coronavirus first started surfacing, we had just finished […]

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How to be your own doula! (Coping with visitor restrictions during COVID-19)

With COVID-19 regulations sweeping the world – and those regulations varying from state to state and even hospital to hospital – a lot of parents who have spent time planning and preparing for their birth are finding those plans turned upside down. If you find yourself without the support you expected, here is a quick

How to be your own doula! (Coping with visitor restrictions during COVID-19) Read More »

CAPPA Certification

What is CAPPA? “CAPPA is an international certification organization for Doulas, Childbirth Educators and Lactation Educators. Since our foundation in 1998, we have certified thousands of perinatal professionals. As one of the first and most comprehensive perinatal organizations in the world, CAPPA is respected for its longevity and its commitment to excellence. This excellence is

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Where to Find Evidence-Based Information on Birth and Babies

(This article was originally written for the CAPPA newsletter and blog for birth professionals. However, the techniques I discuss here are useful for anyone who is wanting to do their own research regarding their health or their family’s health!) We are evidence-based doulas and educators! Our training and our practices are founded on the most

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Should I Be Induced??? [A guide to determining whether induction is a good option for you]

Is induction a good option for me? Not many moms decide early in pregnancy that they want to start their labor with an induction. Often, the ones that do haven’t yet learned about all of their options. While educating themselves and making a plan for labor and birth, most of the parents I work with

Should I Be Induced??? [A guide to determining whether induction is a good option for you] Read More »

Do I need a birth plan?? Do they work? How do I make one?

Is it possible to plan your birth? Does creating a birth plan lead to disappointment and feelings of failure if your birth doesn’t go the way you had intended? What happens if everything changes during labor? We all know that unexpected things happen in labor, right? And most people agree that “healthy mom, healthy baby”

Do I need a birth plan?? Do they work? How do I make one? Read More »

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