‘Tis the season… for viruses. Blech. If you are pregnant over the winter, you will most likely have to battle a cold or even (*shudder*) the flu. With all the other adjustments taking place during pregnancy, illness is the last thing you want to be dealing with. So, when that first sniffle or tickle comes on, we want to find SAFE methods of treating it that work as QUICKLY as possible. However, if you do some internet searches on home remedies that are safe to use during pregnancy, you will get all kinds of mixed messages – and some off-the-wall suggestions! Let’s take a look at some top quality, science-based remedies that are widely used by moms and herbalists alike.
Elderberry is the #1 herb for winter. It has been shown in many studies to effectively “deactivate” cold and flu viruses. It breaks down the viruses so they cannot enter new cells and replicate. There are a number of forms that can be used. The most common is elderberry syrup.

Elderberry syrup can be purchased at a health food store or made at home. It helps to know that some of the formulas from the store contain vinegar and some do not. If you are particularly sensitive to that taste or if you are using it with children, you may want to look for a brand with no vinegar! Elderflowers have similar, but milder, properties to the berries. They are perfectly suited for making tea. However, the leaves and stems of the elder plant should never be ingested, and the berries should not be eaten raw. They contain cyanogenic glycosides that can cause nausea and, in rare cases, vomiting. (Although, the leaves do make a delightful salve that you can see here!)
An alternative to the syrup is to buy an elderberry tincture. This is also readily available at any health food store. Most are alcohol-based extracts, but you are only using a dropper full, so it is very minimal amounts. However, if you wish to avoid all alcohol, you can find an alcohol free version like HerbPharm’s by searching for “elderberry glycerite”. It can be added to juice, water, tea, anything. The glycerite can even be taken directly by mouth without diluting. At our house, we add it to a cup of Emergen-C, because then we’re getting the huge dose of vitamin c along with it to help boost immune function.
Homemade Elderberry Syrup
1 cup dried elderberries (about 1/4 lb.)
4 cups filtered water
2 tbsp. fresh grated ginger (optional)
1 cup raw honey
1-qt. mason jar with lid
Add elderberries, ginger & water to saucepan over medium high heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 20 minutes. (Optional: For a thicker syrup, you may continue simmering until liquid is reduced by half.) Strain into a mason jar, pressing excess juice out of berries. Cool to room temperature to preserve the enzymes in the honey. Then, add the honey. Cover tightly with lid, shake, and refrigerate. (Lasts 4-6 weeks in refrigerator).
This is a culinary preparation, so dosage does not need to be as exact as it would with a tincture or capsule. 1-3 spoonfuls a day is recommended. May take directly from a spoon or small shot glass, add to sparkling water, or drizzle over pancakes.
Garlic is an incredible antiviral herb. If you don’t love the flavor of garlic, you may want to go for garlic capsules. However, you can also get medicinal benefits by using the garlic in a culinary fashion. Simply double or triple the amount of garlic in your recipes with one change: after chopping the garlic, leave it sitting exposed to the air for 10-15 minutes before cooking. Allicin, the main medicinal component of garlic, is easily destroyed with heat. When allicin is left exposed to air, it turns into diallyl disulphide, the antibacterial, antiviral compound that can withstand the heat of cooking. Incidentally, the same process works with onions!
The recipe below is a perfect opportunity to use food as your medicine! Garlic is also a key ingredient in another popular cold/flu tonic: Fire Cider!

Garlicky Chickpeas with Kale
This warm comfort food is perfect for cold nights and for nights when you have a cold. It is a great example of doubling up the garlic and onions in a recipe to combat illness. This recipe can be served as a side dish or add crusty whole grain bread to turn it into a main course.
• 3 cloves garlic, peeled
• 1/2 an onion
• olive oil or avocado oil
• 1 can or 2 cups pre-cooked chickpeas
• 2 cups kale, fresh or frozen
• red pepper flakes
• 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 lemon
• salt, pepper, and/or hot sauce, optional
Chop garlic and onion. Let sit 5-10 minutes while you gather other ingredients. Heat oil and lightly sauté garlic and onion until clear and fragrant. Add chickpeas and kale. Cook until kale is wilted and all ingredients are heated through. Add turmeric and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes, and cook for a few minutes to allow flavors to meld. Add lemon juice one half at a time, to taste. Add salt, pepper and/or hot sauce, if desired.
Turmeric is another all-time favorite. As a close cousin of ginger, it is also antimicrobial, but its main benefit is its anti-inflammatory properties. So, it’s great for sinus pain, headaches, or other aches & pains, because it helps relieve the inflamed tissues. You can buy turmeric in capsules, tinctures, fresh or powdered. I love including turmeric in my morning tea! Steeping the fresh or powdered turmeric in a hot drink with a lipid – like milk or a bit of coconut oil – will boost its effectiveness. Below is my favorite recipe. It’s so simple you can make it quickly even when you are feeling your worst.

Simplest Turmeric Chai
1 cup milk (or almond, oat, or coconut milk)
1 chai tea bag (black, green, herbal – doesn’t matter!)
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 spoonful honey
Heat milk on the stove to steaming – don’t let it boil! Add chai tea bag and turmeric. You can place the powder in a reusable, cloth tea bag or strain the whole cup of tea through a coffee filter or piece of cheesecloth when it is finished steeping. Steep for 5 minutes, watching very carefully to avoid boiling the milk. Stir in honey and enjoy!

Water must be an integral part of any cold or flu treatment! Often during illness, your body is losing fluids through a variety of means, and it is very important to increase your intake of water to prevent dehydration. It is also vital to increase water when you have an over production of mucus. This is a super simple solution to head and chest colds that is nearly always overlooked!! Increasing your intake of water will thin out the mucus in your sinuses or in your lungs. Gross, I know, but this will make it easier to cough it up or blow it out. Getting the mucus out is the easiest way to prevent it becoming infected!
Using these remedies, colds and flus can often run their course in half the normal time! As always, be sure to do your own research before implementing your home remedies, and contact your care provider if you are concerned about using these or any other natural options.
If you would like to turn your passion for herbs and oils into a career by becoming a wellness consultant, check out our brand new Perinatal Wellness Professional certification program!

Christian Krawitz†, et al – http://bmccomplementalternmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6882-11-16
The Influence of Heating on the Anticancer Properties of Garlic1
Kun Song and John A. Milner2 – http://jn.nutrition.org/content/131/3/1054S.long
Allicin – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allicin
The Many Health Benefits of Garlic – http://health.learninginfo.org/health-benefits-garlic.htm