Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): the leaves of the same plant that produces delicious raspberry fruit, this herb contains trace minerals like vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Due to its high tannin content, it is also known as a gently astringent herb meaning it has the ability to tighten and tone tissues. This makes it helpful for stopping diarrhea, much in the same way as black tea. These tannins also gives red raspberry its reputation as a uterine toner, helping the smooth muscle layer of the uterus to function more efficiently.
What is not: red raspberry is not stimulating or spasmodic (causing muscle spasms), and it does not have any hormonal impact.
Considerations: may aggravate constipation

What it is not: Despite internet rumors that peppermint brings on menstruation, there are no chemical components in this herb that have an emmenagogue effect. This means no part of this plant has the ability to stimulate or increase menstrual flow.
Considerations: (1) may aggravate reflux; (2) while tea made from fresh or dried peppermint leaves is generally considered safe during pregnancy and lactation, the essential oil should not be used internally while pregnant, should be used with great caution topically, and should be avoided altogether during lactation.

What it is not: nettle itself will not bring on contractions or start labor. However, as a diuretic, it can possibly have a dehydrating effect for some people. Dehydration is known to cause contractions, which is particularly concerning in pre-term pregnancy. At full-term, dehydration will most likely not bring on full labor but instead will cause “irritating” non-working contractions. This risk can be overcome by ensuring additional fluids and sufficient electrolyte intake.
Considerations:Â consult a certified professional before using if you have heart or kidney dysfunction or history of bleeding disorder.
Part nutritionist, part herbalist, part health coach – all in one certification!
The PWP Certification Program will prepare you to hold one-on-one consultations with pregnant and postpartum parents. Guide clients in creating a wellness plan utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, stress reduction, and daily routines.